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Inspired by my other fic, Hinata and Diplomatic Skills: Ĭheck out my other social media: Language: English Words: 8,910 Chapters: 1/? Kudos: 13 Bookmarks: 6 Hits: 1154

Tags: NTR, Cuckold, Interracial, BBC, Hinata, Raikage, Incest. Kumo sends Ay to Konoha as an ambassador to negotiate. Naruto has screwed up Konoha's diplomatic relations. Language: English Words: 10,213 Chapters: 4/? Comments: 2 Kudos: 15 Bookmarks: 3 Hits: 878 This story picks up a few months after Borutos 18th birthday he is coming back from a long mission with Sasuke, the main focus will be the Naruto moms dealing with their new busy lives now that the leaf village has to pick up a lot of slack now that Naruto is no longer hokage and the rest of the villages are on a race for power to build the strongest army with a lot of distrust since the former Hokage was the one to unify and keep the peace.

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Hyuuga Hinata/Tsunade/Original Male Character(s).Tsunade/Yondaime Raikage | Fourth Raikage.Hyuuga Hinata/Original Male Character(s).Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.NOF98 Fandoms: Naruto, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

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